If you've ever had the flu, you'll know how important it is to keep your immune system strong. While many factors affect your body's ability to fight off infections, including diet and lifestyle, one of the most important things you can do is eat foods that boost your immunity. Here are my top picks to strengthen your immune system:
Yoghurt is a great food to add to your diet if you're looking for immune system support. It's full of probiotics and other beneficial bacteria that can help strengthen the body's natural defences against illness.
Yogurt is also a good source of calcium, protein, vitamin D and vitamin B12.
Yogurt is a great source of calcium, protein and vitamin D. Yogurt can help strengthen your immune system by providing probiotics and other beneficial bacteria that are good for digestive health.
Oats are a good source of fibre, protein and iron. They additionally include magnesium, potassium and vitamin E.
Oddly enough, oats are not actually an oat at all! The word ‘oat’ actually comes from the Latin word ‘otos’ meaning eye or pupil (as in eyes). But what’s really interesting about this plant is that it was originally cultivated as a crop by Native Americans who used it medicinally because they believed it to be beneficial for their health.
Some studies have shown that eating quinoa five times per week can help boost your immune system while reducing inflammation in the body which may reduce symptoms associated with autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis or psoriasis. By consuming these foods regularly you'll be able to maintain strong immunity levels so that you're less likely to get sick during winter months when colds tend to strike most often.
👉Milk and milk products
Milk and milk products are some of the best sources of calcium, protein and vitamins B12, D and A. They also provide a healthy dose of potassium which helps to maintain your blood pressure at a healthy level.
Milk contains all three major types of protein (casein, whey and lactose). It’s important to consume adequate amounts of animal-based protein as it provides essential amino acids that your body cannot synthesize on its own.
You may wonder why you should include milk in your diet when there are so many other plant-based options available? The reason is simple: unlike other types of dairy products such as cheese or yoghurt which contain high levels of lactose (milk sugar), cow's milk does not contain any carbohydrates whatsoever.
👉Fruits and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables are the best foods for your health. They’re rich in vitamins, minerals and fibre which help keep you strong and healthy. If you eat enough fruits and vegetables every day, your immune system will be stronger than ever.
Fruit is also great for hair growth because it contains vitamin C which helps strengthen hair follicles. You can also eat fruit after washing your face or brushing your teeth.
Therefore, eating more fruits and vegetables is one of the easiest ways to improve your health.
👉Beans and lentils
Beans and lentils are a great way to get your protein, fibre and iron. They’re also a great source of zinc, calcium and selenium (which helps protect against cancer).
If you love beans but find they make you bloat, try adding them to soup or stew instead of eating them straight. You can also substitute beans for rice in recipes that call for brown rice because they have the same amount of protein per serving size as regular white rice does and no chance of causing intestinal discomfort.
Add beans to salads for extra fibre, protein and iron. Try mixing beans with greens like kale or spinach for a high-protein meal that’s easy to digest. Add kidney beans, garbanzo beans and black beans to Italian dressings to make them creamy without using mayonnaise.
Eggs are one of the best foods to strengthen your immune system. They're a great source of protein, vitamin D and choline.
They also contain selenium, an antioxidant that helps with energy production in cells and reduces inflammation throughout the body. Iron is another important nutrient for fighting off infections because it plays a role in blood cell formation and oxygen transport within cells.
The best way to include more fish in your diet is to eat it at least twice a week. You can do this by having fish once or twice during the week and then eating other types of protein-rich foods, such as legumes or nuts, on the other days.
👉Peanuts and peanut butter
Peanuts and peanut butter are excellent sources of vitamin E, which is a powerful antioxidant that can help protect against the oxidative damage caused by free radicals. Vitamin E also helps prevent cell damage and repair DNA, keeping you healthy longer.
Peanuts are also high in vitamin B6, a mineral that helps maintain normal blood sugar levels and aids in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. It's especially important for people with diabetes since their bodies aren't able to make as much insulin as they need every day; eating foods rich in this nutrient will keep your glucose levels stable throughout the day.
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is another nutrient found in peanuts that has been shown to lower cholesterol levels in humans; it also protects against heart disease by preventing inflammation caused by oxidation processes within cells (this means less plaque buildup). If you have high cholesterol or atherosclerosis then eating more peanuts could be beneficial for reducing your risk factors for developing cardiovascular disease later down the road.
👉Chicken, turkey and fish
Chicken, turkey and fish are rich in protein.
Chicken is a great source of zinc, which works to support your immune system. Zinc also helps with wound healing and the production of new cells in your body. Other nutrients found in chicken include selenium, which helps maintain healthy thyroid function; copper, which supports brain development; and iron, which plays an important role in oxygen delivery to cells throughout the body.
Turkey is another good source of iron, as much as 18 per cent more than beef. It’s also high in niacin (vitamin B3), which is essential for proper metabolism.
👉Brewer's yeast in slices of bread, cakes and pasta
Brewer's yeast is a good source of protein and B vitamins, which are essential for the proper functioning of your immune system. It also provides you with iron, zinc and manganese, all important minerals that can help keep your body healthy.
Brewer’s yeast contains no gluten or lactose (milk sugar) so it's suitable for people who follow a strict vegetarian or vegan diet. If you want to strengthen your immune system with brewer's yeast but don't want to eat it as part of your regular diet then try adding it as an ingredient in breads, cakes or pasta - just ensure that there is no added salt in these products too.
👉Eat these foods to increase your immunity strength
It is recommended that you should eat these foods to increase your immunity strength:
- Eggs
- Goat's milk, raw (2 cups per day)
- Raw honey (1/4 cup per day)
Olive oil (1/2 cup per day) Probiotic foods: Yogurt, raw milk (4 ounces per day) Kombucha Tea
Remember that the best way to get rid of cold and flu is by eating healthy foods. To strengthen your immunity, here are some foods that will help you. Remember to eat these foods daily so that they can have an effect on boosting your immune system strength.