The process of weight loss is not only physical activity and a calorie deficit but also proper nutrition. In my list, you will find 20 healthy foods that will help burn calories, speed up metabolism, and satisfy hunger without any harm to your health. If you are serious about weight loss and want to keep your body in good shape, include these healthy eating foods in your daily diet :
👉Boiled potatoes
The usual potatoes that we are used to eating contain many useful and nutritious substances, among which there is almost everything that the body needs. There is especially a lot of potassium in potatoes, which plays an important role in the control and normalization of blood pressure. On a food satiety index scale, boiled potatoes rank highest among other foods. This means that boiled potatoes perfectly satisfy hunger and prolong the feeling of satiety. In addition, it contains starch, a dietary fibre that helps speed up metabolism and fight excess weight.
The uniqueness of the avocado is that, unlike other fruits, it contains more healthy fats than carbohydrates. They contain a lot of iron, magnesium, oleic acid, water, and fibre, as well as vitamins A, B6 and C. Avocados are an ideal addition to breakfast, vegetable salads and other dishes. Many studies show that the fats in avocados help the antioxidants in vegetables to be absorbed more quickly by the body.
Eggs are rich in protein and healthy fats, thanks to which they perfectly saturate, eliminating the feeling of hunger for a long time. This is one of the best and healthiest foods to eat if you need to lose weight. This was confirmed by one of the studies in which 30 women took part. For breakfast, instead of baking, they consumed boiled eggs. The results showed that they satiated the body better and helped the participants in the experiment eat less over the next three days. If you are on a diet, then eggs will help you get through it easier, as they have all the nutrients you need.
👉 Full-fat yogurt
Full-fat yoghurt contains probiotics that are beneficial for digestion - bacteria that improve bowel function. They prevent inflammation and the development of obesity. Also, some studies have shown that yoghurt rich in probiotics can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. Avoid low-fat yoghurts as they contain a lot of sugar.
It is believed that people who consume a lot of vegetables and fruits are more energetic and healthy than those who do not eat them. However this causal relationship does not yet have a solid evidence base.
However, fruits have many health benefits. For example, they contain natural sugar, and fruits have a low-calorie content, but require more energy to chew and digest them.
Tuna is a lean healthy fish. This is a healthy, low-calorie, high-protein tuna. It is recommended to consume tuna canned in water rather than in oil. Tuna is especially popular with bodybuilders as it is a great way to increase your protein intake while keeping your calorie intake at the right level.
👉Apple vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is a popular product among nutritionists. Often used for dressing salads, and also added to water. Its weight loss benefits have been proven by several studies. So, in one of them, it was found that adding apple cider vinegar to food helps to increase the feeling of satiety and reduce the number of calories consumed per day. In another study, which lasted three months, obese people took part. They took 15 or 30 ml of vinegar a day and lost up to two kilograms. In addition, apple cider vinegar helps control postprandial blood sugar spikes.
👉Coconut oil
Coconut oil is widely used in cooking and cosmetics. It is rich in fatty acids, which increase the feeling of fullness and increase the number of calories burned. However, there is one important point here: since coconut oil is quite fatty, it should not be added to the diet. You need to replace some of the other fatty foods that you eat with it.
👉Fresh green leafy vegetables
Spinach, parsley, basil, kale, and many other leafy greens are the perfect addition to your daily diet, especially if you're on a weight loss diet. Greens are low in calories and carbohydrates, but high in fibre. Leafy greens are nutritious and rich in nutrients, vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals (including calcium, which promotes fat-burning).
Many mistakenly believe that nuts are a very fatty product. There is some truth in this, one they contain healthy fats, as well as a lot of protein and fibre. Studies of this product have proven that nuts help improve metabolism and, as a result, weight loss. But a sense of proportion is important here. you should not eat too many nuts, as they still have a high-calorie content.
Many have heard about the most important property of grapefruit: it helps to burn fat very well. A study was conducted that showed that eating half a grapefruit by obese people led to weight loss (up to two kilograms). Grapefruit is recommended to be eaten 30 minutes before the main meals. This will help you feel full faster at dinner and consume fewer calories.
Salmon is a fatty, satisfying fish rich in protein, healthy fats, and a host of other nutrients. In addition, like other seafood, salmon contains iodine, a useful element for the body, which is necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland and the acceleration of metabolism. Salmon also contains omega-3 fatty acids, which help reduce inflammation and improve metabolism.
Grains are rich in fibre and protein. The most useful of them are oats, brown rice, and quinoa. For example, oats contain a lot of soluble fibre, which increases the feeling of satiety and improves metabolism. Rice contains a significant amount of starch. But keep in mind that you should choose whole grains more carefully. They must not be processed or refined. Therefore, if you are on a low-carb diet, it is best to eliminate grains from your diet.
👉Chia seeds
Chia seeds are a rich source of fibre, which our body needs for a good metabolism. Their main advantage is that they have almost no taste, so they are easy to add to almost any food and drink.
👉Cottage cheese
Cottage cheese for the most part consists of protein, a small amount of carbohydrates and fat. Cottage cheese perfectly satisfies hunger and prolongs the feeling of satiety. In addition, it contains a significant amount of calcium, which is not only good for bones but also able to burn fat.
👉Cruciferous vegetables
A large amount of fibre makes cruciferous foods very beneficial for metabolism and overall health.
These include broccoli, cauliflower, white cabbage, and Brussels sprouts. They contain a lot of fibre, which speeds up metabolism and prolongs the feeling of satiety, as well as protein. All in all, cruciferous vegetables are the perfect food if you want to lose weight.
Chilli peppers contain capsaicin, a substance that reduces appetite and burns fat. One study has shown that eating 1 gram of chilli peppers a day can help boost metabolism and reduce hunger.
Most low-calorie foods are high in water. So eating soup for lunch is a great idea. Some studies have shown that eating certain foods in soup makes people feel fuller, which means they eat fewer calories.
Beneficial legumes include beans, lentils and some others. They are rich in fibre, protein and a host of other nutrients.
Celery is an ideal dietary food. You will burn a lot of calories by eating it. Add it to salads or use it as a diet snack.
So, start today only by including these healthy eating foods in your daily diet and I wish you success in your weight loss journey.